The other day I looked up at the sky and said, “God, did you invite me to do an interview with the most beautiful woman in Bulgaria?” God: “I didn’t call anyone, especially not you! I’ve told you a hundred times not to mention my name in vain, especially not for commercial purposes. I really feel like crucifying you! You will burn in hell! That’s what I promise you on Easter 2021.”

Obviously, even the Creator does not tolerate these corona measures best. I will forgive him. The WHO and Bill Gates is to blame. Luckily those corona measures didn’t exist before. They wouldn’t let poor Jesus come out of the cave and then what would we celebrate today?

Let’s go back to the most beautiful woman in Bulgaria. As I started IBMC – International Business Meetup Club, I meet interesting people from all over the world, and sometimes I do an interview with them (Only if they are beautiful and successful like Evgenia Petkanska and if they pay for self-promotion. I am not Caritas.) As the terraces of the restaurant opened, I decided to invite her to Michelin’s restaurant “Noel” for lunch to find out what she does in Zagreb.

Evgenia Petkanska and DearLeader Joe aka Vin Diesel for poor people – Noel Zagreb
Photo: Flash.hr

You were Best Model of Bulgaria in 2006. Have you always been pretty as a kid or your parents sad: ”We will need to invest in Evgenia. Call that plastic surgeon. He can fix her.” PS: Do you have some plastic or are you environment friendly? (Read: Natural beauty).

In my youth I played more with guys, I actually fought with them. Then at one point they noticed that I was pretty to them and they didn’t fight with me anymore. I don’t have any plastic surgeries. I am not against them when they are really necessary and in moderation, but the plastic corrections became mania over the past 10 years. We should learn to accept ourselves a little bit more and to feel comfortable in our own skin. There is no need to go through so much pain and spend our money to change something which is already beautiful the way it is.

I wanted to show her right at the beginning of the interview that I don’t skimp on food. 

Noel Zagreb – Međimurska gibanica
Foto: @DearLeaderjoe – Dragi Vođa, Flash.hr

Usually every miss wants to save the planet, feed the hungry people and find a Sugar daddy but you decided to be an entrepreneur, independent young woman. Where did you work before you came to Zagreb and what kind of business you have in Bulgaria? If it’s drugs, maybe we could work together.

I thought the game has been changed and finding a “Sugar mama” is the dream of every “modern” man nowadays. I am very happy that I see more and more young powerful independent women. I spent around 4 amazing years in Middle East working in Aviation and Project Management. One day I started a business just like a joke and now I have my own fashion brand in Bulgaria, which I am developing in Croatia too. We create fairy tale dresses for kids and women. To see what I mean check out my Instagram: @lu.vell

Luvell Fashion Boutique

Why did you move to Zagreb? Love? Business? Even Croatians can’t find jobs here, how will you find one, or maybe you plan to open a company in Croatia so you could pay more taxes than you pay in Bulgaria? That only means that you are suicidal and that you need help.

We do crazy things for love, right? So I wasn’t different. I fell in love with a Croatian man. One of us had to go outside their comfort zone, to make the next step and that one was me obviously. Croatia is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations, but you are right, it wasn’t that amazing when I started looking for a job here. It took me some time, but now I work for a very good international IT company HOTEZA. We develop software mostly for the hospitality industry and I learn new things every day.

Evgenia Petkanska – Noel Zagreb
Photo: @DearLeaderjoe, Flash.hr

How do you like life in Zagreb (People, food, cajka music, business…). What is different here than in Bulgaria or Dubai where you lived and why do you think that bald men are more attractive then those one with hair?

I started living here in times of Pandemic, obviously not the best time to explore the city. I could say that Zagreb is pretty safe, clean and quiet. I’ve been here twice before Corona and I loved the Christmas market and the architecture which reminds a lot of Vienna. I would also say that the Croatian people are very polite in comparison to the other Balkans. What I am missing here is definitely some noise, more social activities, such as craft workshops, more places, where you can meet foreigners or talk to people you don’t know. For one year here not even one stranger has randomly initiated a conversation with me, not even a man. I was thinking that I’m getting old or that you guys are too conservative?! Luckily one day you contacted me and added me to your IBMC  group. I met great people from Croatia and all over the world at your IBMC  parties. Maybe you are not a typical Croat 🙂

One of the differences between Croatia and Bulgaria or Dubai are the taxes, Dubai is tax free and Bulgaria has one of the lowest taxes in the EU, that’s why many international companies have offices there and you can see much more foreigners living in Bulgaria nowadays. I like Dubai because you cannot be bored there, so many different events happen there all the time, so many different cultures and places to see.

As for bald men, I will quote you: “If the hair was good and Vin Diesel would have it.”

Short brake for Noel štrukli.

Noel Zagreb – Zagrebački štrukli
Phto: @DearLeaderjoe , Flash.hr

Is life in Croatia just a phase for you or do you believe that you could live here and become millionaire? What should we do to attract more smart and beautiful people like you to our country? I had the idea that if someone is ugly he can not work. Only beautiful people would have opportunities. Am I a utopist, or just an altruist who wants a better world?

It’s so hard to talk about future plans right now. There is a lot of uncertainty. I will wait and see.
Croatia has a great geographic position and potential to attract people from all over the world, but some things need to be changed. For a start, the companies should introduce English as a main business language and start hiring more foreigners. I met foreigners who left Croatia because they weren’t treated equally with locals in competing for job positions. Of course, it would be good if we pay lower taxes and I would personally love to have better flight connections. PS: I refuse to comment on your idea with ugly people 🙂

We may not be well connected with world destinations, but we have world gastronomy. Octopus in a Noel way.

Noel Zagreb – Hobotnica i viška pogača
Photo: @DearLeaderjoe, Flash.hr

We ordered a glass of red wine, and Ivan Jug remembered my remark well from the last time. He said: “I only got this corkscrew for the most refined guests like you. Look: Aluminum, bronze, platinum… You were right. I threw away all the ones for poor people. ”

Noel Zagreb – Ivan Jug i Michelin vadičep Photo: @DearLeaderjoe, Flash.hr

Evgenia and I concluded that the wine really tastes better if opened with a noble corkscrew.

Evgenia Petkanska – Noel Zagreb
Foto: @DearLeaderjoe – Dragi Vođa, Flash.hr

Whole world is crazy beacuse of retarded corona measures. What do you think about covid passports and masks and media censorship? Isn’t this attack on our freedom? Reminds me a little bit of George Orwell – 1984. I think that masks are a conspiracy from ugly people. They were jealous of us because we are be and to feelautiful and they decided that we all need to wear masks.

The corona virus is not a joke and we have to be responsible, protect ourselves and protect the others. If everybody followed the measures there wouldn’t be so many lockdowns. Everybody has a choice to take the vaccine or not. Yes, probably if you don’t take the vaccine you won’t be allowed to go to some countries, but you still have the right to choose. For example, so many people cannot travel to the US just because of their nationality, isn’t that an attack to our freedom too?!There are hundreds of rules which effect the human rights and some things just have to be accepted.

It is interesting that Bulgaria does not have a single Michelin restaurant. I immediately told Ivan Jug that he should open a Noel in Sofia. He liked the idea, but I could see in his eyes that his thoughts were somewhere else. I asked him politely, “What the fuck is wrong with you? What bothers you? Why the nervousness? The food was great. ” Ivan: “I know the food was great. This is Noel. I wanted to ask you to take a photo of me with the most beautiful woman in Bulgaria, but I’m afraid my wife could see the photo. She would kill me. ” I replied, “Calm down. I’ll take a picture of you. I’m not crazy to post it on the portal. I ruined enough marriages. I don’t have to destroy yours either. ”

Evgenia Petkanska i Ivan Jug – Noel Zagreb
Foto: @DearLeaderjoe – Dragi Vođa, Flash.hr

He had a smile like Bill Gates when he realized that he will make a fortune on the Covid vaccines. He immediately brought us dessert. Medjimurska gibanica in a Noel way.

Noel Zagreb – Međimurska gibanica
Photo: @DearLeaderjoe, Flash.hr

For people that don’t know anything about Bulgaria, what would you recommend them to visit there, what food to try, wine to drink? 

If you go to Bulgaria you should definitely visit my hometown Plovdiv which is one of the most ancient cities in Europe with the most beautiful people and the best places to drink beer with friends. Another must visit place is 7 lakes of Rila. I can’t describe it with words – you should go and see it. If you like to ski – go to Bansko, if you like the sea – go to Sozopol (before August). Bulgaria has extremely good wineries where you will not just taste premium wines, but also learn a lot about the process of making wine.

If I would like to impress some Bulgarian girl, how would I say to her on Bulgarian: ”I’m unemployed and I live with my parents. Would you go out with me?”

We like funny guys and sarcasm. It might work and will be “Аз съм безработен и живея с родителите си. Ще излезеш ли с мен?” Good luck with the Bulgarian girls!

For the end of the interview, I wanted to impress Evgenia. I said to the waiter, “Give me something most expensive, give me one Badel rum.” The waiter apologized that they were left without Badel, but that they had great Bumbu rum. In vain did he mention to me Barbados, vanilla from Madagascar, numerous awards… I told him, “If that rum is so good, then why doesn’t my mother put it in pudding and cakes? I guess they know what good rum is in my mother village. ”

Noel Zagreb -.Bumbu rum
Photo: @DearLeaderjoe, Flash.hr

Why should people read Flash.hr and follow me on Instagram @Dearleaderjoe ? If you don’t know why, feel free to lie 🙂

I like the sense of humor in your posts. You have a very unique style of describing things. I would say that sometimes I don’t agree with your point of view on some topics (you already know that), but I always enjoy the way you “serve” it to the audience on the Flash.hr portal. You’re a great photographer and you have a really interesting Instagram profile, and the more people follow you, the richer you’ll be, right?


Where were you in 1991?

Is this an internal joke? I was a baby and most probably I was on the sofa in my parents’ home, drinking water with honey.

Although I disagree with Evgenia about the corona measures, I agree with everything else, and I forgave her this gaffe because she is the most beautiful Bulgarian I have ever met. In the end, we enjoyed in Noel pralines and Evgenia, instead of fancy rum, opted for coffee with fancy sugar. If you are wondering why the Viro, Croatian sugar factory failed, the answer is in Noel. Next to so much beautiful Croatian sugar, they serve sugar from Mauritius!? So Ivan, my brother, where is the patriotism?

Evgenia Petkanska – Noel Zagreb
Photo: @DearLeaderjoe, Flash.hr

Ivan was trying to explain to me that this was probably one of the prerequisites for a Michelin star. Ivan Jug: “You can’t serve guests those sugar cubes with which they poisoned us as children. We’re not at the racetrack. “He promised me that in the last picture he would be shorter than me just so I wouldn’t mention this incident.

Ivan Jug and Dear Leader Joe aka Vin Diesel for poor people
Photo: Flash.hr

Author: Josip Novosel aka Vin Diesel for poor people and self proclaimed Dear Leader Joe, a corresponding member of the “Better be rich then poor” magazine, a friend to the wealthy, a tycoon and a Gastro snob but above all a human.



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